Newsletter • September 2020
Information about the past and upcoming events, partnership with SKOLKOVO, climate governance news
Information about the past and upcoming events, partnership with SKOLKOVO, climate governance news
DLA Piper has been appointed as exclusive legal partner of the Russian Chapter, the local hub for the global platform on climate change that operates under the auspices of the World Economic Forum’s Climate Governance Initiative (CGI).
The roundtable “Business and Climate Change”, hosted by the Directors’ Climate Forum, a.k.a The Russian Chapter – in cooperation with its intellectual partner, Deloitte CIS and legal partner, DLA Piper marked a successful start for the Chapter in discussing the climate agenda for Russian business, and board directors in particular.
Guiding principles and questions
Данное руководство было разработано консалтинговой компанией the Berkeley Partnership совместно с Центром по климатическим изменениям Хьюз Холл (Hughes Hall Centre for Climate Change Engagement) в Кембридже для директоров климатического форума Chapter Zero.)