Initiatives have been announced as part of the agenda for the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29), which will be held in Baku in November this year.

A package of 14 initiatives encourages partnerships, promotes joint efforts, ensures investments and incentivizes the public and private sectors — in solidarity for a greener

Climate Finance Action Fund
Establishment of a fund financed by voluntary contributions from countries and fossil fuel companies. The fund will incentivize the public and private sectors in the areas of mitigation, adaptation, research and development, and provide financing on highly concessional terms and on a grant basis.

Baku Initiative for Dialogue on Climate Finance, Investment and Trade
Establishing a collaborative environment and a long-term dialogue platform for the international community to increase attention to the nexus between climate finance, investment and trade.

Investing in Transition — Partnership for Jobs and Skills
Establishing a joint platform to match the financing needs arising from the integration of skills development at the nationally determined contributions (NDCs), NAPS, and long-term low-emission development strategies (LT-LEDs) with the available financial instruments of the multilateral development banks, and exploring opportunities for linkages and synergies with other sources of finance.

Clean Energy Commitment
Signatories to this ministerial commitment will commit to the creation of clean energy corridors, zones and networks. This initiative will also help to create the necessary regulatory and institutional framework and identify sources of funding for the creation of the infrastructure necessary to fulfill the commitment.

Clean Energy Storage Commitment
Parties commit to making energy storage a cornerstone of global energy systems, aiming to improve sustainability and efficiency.

Clean Hydrogen Initiative
Agenda for Action and Implementation aims to ensure action by both the public and private sectors to unlock the potential of the global market for low-emission hydrogen by setting guidelines and priorities and removing regulatory, technological, financial and standardization barriers.

COP Call for Ceasefire
Addressing the nexus between climate and conflict, COP29 aims to promote peace, dialogue and reconciliation more broadly and to mobilize all political attention and diplomatic efforts to combat climate change.

Digital Action Path for a Green World
Accelerating the transition to a green economy through digitalization and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the ICT sector.

Investing in human capital, health and jobs for a climate-resilient future
Securing investment in education, skills, health and well-being, in particular for children and youth, and strengthening cooperation in these areas. In addition, environmental literacy learning and assessment is included in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

HARMONY Initiative for Climate Resilience
Empowering farmers, villages and rural communities.The HARMONY Initiative will act as an aggregator bringing together various initiatives, coalitions, networks and partnerships during COP29 to share experiences, identify synergies and gaps and promote joint efforts focused on the agriculture-food-water nexus, including empowering local communities and rural women.

Baku Dialogue on Water and Climate
Accelerating action on climate change and the water nexus. Building on the Global Adaptation Goal, the dialogue will bring together governments, UN organizations, academia and the private sector to work together on water-related climate change adaptation.

Partnership on Multi-Sectoral Action for Climate-Resilient and Healthy Cities
Accelerating multi-sectoral national action in cities and promoting stronger partnerships to
scale up global climate finance for cities and ensure global coherence on climate,
urban development and sustainability.

The Global Partnership to Accelerate Climate Action in Tourism (GPECAT)
Aims to mitigate the rising trend of global emissions
from tourism.

Partnership on Landfill Reduction
Reducing methane emissions and enriching soils. The partnership aims to reduce methane emissions in the waste sector, as well as address global challenges such as food waste, sustainable urbanization, and soil management and enrichment. The partnership will aim to align nationally determined contributions (NDCs) in the waste sector, increase funding and investment, generate evidence for action, and build innovative partnerships and stakeholder engagement.


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